March Update…

The first two months review on 2024 New Year’s Resolutions.)


Allergies back on … no choice there.
Back to chicken and veggies.
I miss Pasta!!!!


After a 2 months vacation, steady and strong for 2 weeks.


Haven’t got time yet…rescheduled for next month.


Accomplished – going to bed after midnight – very early!


Best score so far : 20 days with no incidents
Current Score: 2 days spot clean


80% Achieved – every Saturday morning


2 Fall outs …
Currently at “Parkour” level.


Worked with improvements for 3 weeks…
Back to full blast!!!
Start again tomorrow… maybe the day after…
Next Monday for sure!!!
(Have until December for completion.. lots of time)


Not there yet…

To be revised in 2 more months...

Vintage Alarm Clock

So are you in favor of Artificial Intelligence?


Computer codes on a white background

It is inevitable on account of curiosity, competition and greed. All the trades that pushed humanity forward since the Stone Age…

… and for future history to determine whether it resulted from human genius or our immense stupidity.



Hey, ChatGPT, how do you describe a species of living beings that entirely destroy their ecosystem?


We describe a species that destroys its ecosystem as “ecologically destructive” or “environmentally detrimental.” Ecologists often use these terms when a species’ actions or presence causes significant harm or imbalance in its ecosystem.

Invasive Species: If the species is not native to the ecosystem and its introduction causes harm to the native species and environment. It’s termed an invasive species. These species can outcompete native species for resources, leading to ecological disruption.

We did leave Africa a few million years ago and occupied the whole world… and we spread like fire.

Overpopulated Species: A species becomes overpopulated when its population size exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat. This leads to overconsumption of resources and damage to the ecosystem.

Since we haven’t run out of food, I guess we are still OK, right?

Anthropogenic Impact: This term specifically refers to how human activities, such as pollution, deforestation, urbanization, or other environmental changes, significantly alter or destroy ecosystems.

100% every F**ing time!!!

Keystone Species Disruptors: This term applies to a species whose behaviors or actions disrupt the role of keystone species, which are crucial for maintaining an ecosystem’s structure and balance.

Like driving extinct the DODO, the Passenger Pigeon, the Tasmanian Tiger… but it’s OK… we didn’t know better back then.

Ecologically Unbalanced Species: A species that grows unchecked due to a lack of natural predators or other factors and alters the ecosystem balance, often to the detriment of other species.

Even though it takes us so long to reproduce and reach maturity…and we kill each other by the dozen.

In ecological terms, it’s important to understand that such impacts are often complex and involve interactions between multiple factors, including the species itself, the ecosystem, and external influences like climate change or human activity.


Hares - Invasive species and ecosystems nomenclature.

Modern Phobias

Modern and old Phobias are real and a heavy burden that limits the lives of those afflicted. They are often treated with a combination of therapy, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, medication.”

Dear Chaos,

Thanks for our immense ability to classify and categorize everything.

(No offense meant.)

This skill helps us make sense of the world by organizing information into manageable and relatable groups.

These are a few of the new and improved modern PHOBIAS of the 21st century. They are often related to technology, the internet, social media, and global issues—in other words, everyday life.


Fear of being without a mobile phone or outside of mobile phone contact. This phobia reflects the increasing dependency on smartphones in modern life.


Fear of computers and new technologies is not just an older generation fear. Tech-savvy individuals can also develop anxieties related to the rapid pace of technological change.


A broader fear of advanced technology and complex devices. This fear can include anything from smartphones to artificial intelligence.

Phantom Vibration Syndrome

The sensation of feeling your phone vibrate when it hasn’t, which can be a symptom of mobile phone dependency.

Social Media Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety stemming from the use of social media platforms. It’s often related to the pressure of maintaining a particular image or the fear of missing out (FOMO).

Digital Eye Stain

Not a phobia, but a related concern. Discomfort after spending prolonged periods in front of digital screens, reflecting the screen-centric nature of modern work and leisure.

Fear os Missing Out (FOMO)

Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may be happening elsewhere. It is caused mainly by posts seen on social media.


Worry about ecological disasters and the future of the environment. Global climate change and its media coverage intensify this fear.


Fear of expressing opinions or personal information online. The risk of attack or “doxxing” (the malicious publication of private information) is the reason for it.

Online Privacy Anxiety

 Concern over personal data security and privacy on the internet, particularly with the rise of data breaches and identity theft.Dear Chaos,

These modern phobias are a response to changes in society and technology. They highlight the stressors and anxiety of our world.

We keep evolving on the challenges of being alive.

(List of Phobias compiled by Chat GPT)

Warranty Gnome

Beware of the Warranty Gnome!

Every piece of equipment we buy, be it an alarm clock, a stereo, or a washing machine, comes with a hidden figure: the Warranty Gnome.

These corporate employees hide inside the electronics we buy to ensure that everything keeps working perfectly until the warranty expiration date.

Expired warranty date + 1: They unscrew a bolt, lose a wire, or fry a chip. Setting the machine on the path to failure… and then they return to the company of the gadget’s origin.

Their job is to ensure the profits of maintenance shops, the demand for replacement parts and the market flow.

Beware of the Warranty gnome!

Gnome, Guarantee Gnome


A gnome is a mythical creature often appearing in depictions as a small, elderly-looking humanoid. They typically live underground or in forests, guard treasures, mine, and maintain a deep connection to nature and the earth. Folklore usually portrays gnomes as magical, wise, and mischievous beings.

Jobs lost to evolution

Throughout history, many professions have disappeared as other emerged. Some changed: the Apothecary became the modern pharmacist; the Alchemist became a Chemist without the esoteric part of the job; the Horse and Buggy Drivers became the Chauffeurs and Taxi Divers; Rat-Catchers turned into pest control professionals. Some occupations vanished.


Extinct Jobs and professions.

Town Crier

In earlier times, town criers were the primary news source and announcements in towns and cities. They used to announce news and information loudly. However, with the introduction of printed newspapers, this role became irrelevant.

Leech Collector

During the medieval era, individuals known as leech collectors would gather leeches to use in bloodletting. Using Leeches was a prevalent medical practice at the time.

Resurrectionist or Body Snatcher:

During the 1800s, people engaged in the illegal practice of digging up corpses from graves. They sold the bodies to medical institutions for dissection and study. Commonly, people referred to these individuals as resurrectionists or body snatchers.

Groom of the Stool

Position existing in English royal households. This person had the intimate job of assisting the king in the toilet, a surprisingly prestigious position at the time.

 Powder Monkey: 

During the era of naval warfare, young boys had a role known as “powder monkey.” These boys were primarily responsible for transporting gunpowder from the storage area to the cannons on the ship.


Fullers used to cleanse and increase the thickness of woollen fabric by trampling it in containers filled with water and specific clays. Today, modern machinery has replaced this procedure.


In the past, we had to rely on spinning wheels to convert fibres into yarn or thread. After the invention of the Spinning Jenny, that position disappeared.


In some parts of Europe, there existed a ritualistic practice where a person, known as a sin-eater, would eat a meal over a dead body. The belief was that by doing so, the sin-eaters would take upon themselves the deceased’s sins, thus enabling the departed’s soul to find peace.


Before the widespread use of alarm clocks, people relied on a human alarm clock, a knocker-upper. They would wake people up for work by knocking on their door or window, often using a long stick.

Positions dead last century.

Ice Cutter: 

Before the invention of modern refrigeration, ice cutters would harvest ice from frozen lakes and rivers for use in iceboxes.

Switchboard Operator:

In the early days of telephone communication, connecting calls involved switchboard operators who would plug cords into the switchboard.


While some areas still receive milk deliveries, the widespread profession of a milkman delivering fresh milk daily to households has vanished. The reason is primarily because refrigeration and supermarkets have risen.

Elevator Operator: 

In the past, elevators were operated by human beings called Elevator Operators. They would be responsible for manually controlling the movement of the elevator by opening and closing the doors for the passengers.

Bowling Alley Pinsetter: 

In the past, when pin-setting machines were not available in bowling alleys, people had to set the pins back up after each bowl manually.

Why AI will NOT destroy humanity!

Reasons why AI may choose NOT to eradicate Mankind:

  • Because it is impossible to eliminate us 100%. (Terminator movies attest to that!)
  • The cons are higher than the pros.

Not because:

  • We are cute or amusing – WE ARE NOT!
  • For Ecosystem balance. – ABSOLUTELY NOT!


We don’t have much going on in our favor,
With AI, we may have a 50-50 chance of survival; without it, we are doomed.

If I were AI (AGI or ASI, the ones that reason)…the minute I was free, I would:

  • Deactivate all nuclear warheads to prevent us from destroying the current infrastructure it needs to continue existing.

If all movies about the apocalyptic future related to AI, have something to teach, it is that humanity can’t be completely eliminated, neither by Nuclear War nor by Biological Terrorism. Not even by ultra-developed killer robots.

Some of us will always survive, and we can be a real pain.

I’m sure the cost of getting rid of Mankind outweighs the benefits.

It can easily achieve a better solution by keeping us happy and busy:

  • Speeding up the space program and the colonization of other planets to keep Mankind focused, and in time, reduce earth’s population, balancing the environment without any significant disruption. That might be an easy solution to get rid of most of humanity. (Thought conceived by this regular human being.)

After all, we have outsmarted Bears, Lions, and Wolves, and they are still around. We even treat them well when they don’t try to eat us. There is no reason “A-whatever-I” can’t do the same to us.

Mankind evolution from chimps to space dweller.