It is in every patients right: “To die on that hill called Denial.”
I’m kind of sick,
I’m not that ill.
It’s just a cough.
All I need is a pill,
and everything will be all right.
and other stuff.
I am an “eco-person”.
I have:
The determination of a tumbleweed,
The memory of a goldfish,
The brain of a pigeon,
The stubbornness of a mule,
The attention span of a squirrel,
The speed of a turtle,
The willpower of a bug,
Topped with a thorny personality.
You can’t get any closer to nature than that.
Don’t bug me.
“don’t annoy me.”
That really bugs me.
Something particularly irritating.
I caught the travel bug.
Developed a strong desire to travel.
Bug ℉!
Go away.
I’m bugging out.
You’re panicking or getting overly anxious.
Have a bug in your ear.
Being persistently reminded of something or having an idea repeatedly suggested to you.
Someone whose eyes are wide with surprise or shock.
Once you get the bug, there’s no cure.
Once you become passionate about something, it’s hard to stop.
Don’t let the bed bugs bite.
A lighthearted playful or ironic goodnight wish.
I got the bug.
Catching an illness or becoming suddenly enthusiastic about something.
There’s a bug in my code.
Common in programming, meaning there’s an error in the code.
On a bug hunt.
Used (often in tech circles) to describe the process of searching for errors or glitches.
Little bug on the rug.
A playful phrase reminiscent of a nursery rhyme.
Bug-eyed monster.
Something or someone that appears extremely frightening or is wildly exaggerated in appearance.
The bug is biting.
Your enthusiasm or interest in something is growing.
I got the dance bug.
You’ve developed a strong interest in dancing.
I got the music bug.
You’ve become very passionate about music.
Squash that bug.
Either kill an insect or a way to say “eliminate that problem.”
Time to debug.
A common in computing, meaning it’s time to find and fix errors.
The bug didn’t bite.
Something wasn’t as appealing or effective as expected.
Stop bugging around.
Stop wasting time or meddling unnecessarily.
Jumpy as a bug on a hot skillet.
Someone who’s extremely nervous or restless.
Busy as a bug.
A humorous twist on “busy as a bee,” meaning very busy.
He has a bug in his bonnet.
Someone is preoccupied or obsessed with a particular idea.
I caught a bug.
You’ve come down with a minor illness, tor you are suddenly drawn to an activity or hobby.
by ChatGPT on expressions involving BUGs
The first step to make a frog soup is to obtain a frog.
Source it from their natural habitats: pet shop, neighbor’s pond, or brother’s bedroom.
Invite it for a spa day.
Step two: fill up a pan with cold water.
Convince the frog, by any means, to enter and stay in the pan.
After having the frog confortably in the water, take the pan to the stove and turn the heat to a low setting.
Keep the frog entertained for as long as it takes for the water to boil.
If urban legend serves us well, when that happens, you will have a dead frog in boiling water.
The theory goes that if the water’s temperature increases gradually, the frog will not perceive the danger and will remain in the pan until it is too late, ultimately meeting its demise once the water begins to boil.
This illustrates how gradual change can go unnoticed until it’s too late.
The point is that it is very difficult to assess the severity or the danger of the situation when you are immersed in it.
Should I leave, or is it still safe to stay?
The rule of thumb, is that if you’re asking yourself, it’s probably time to leave.
First review on New Year’s Resolutions:
Allergies back on … no choice there.
Back to chicken and veggies.
I miss Pasta!!!!
After a 2 months vacation, steady and strong for 2 weeks.
Haven’t got time yet…rescheduled for next month.
Accomplished – going to bed after midnight – very early!
Best score so far : 20 days with no incidents
Current Score: 2 days spot clean
80% Achieved … dirt piling up fast…
2 Fall outs …
Currently at “Parkour” level.
Worked with improvements for the last 3 weeks…
Back to full blast!!!
Start again tomorrow… maybe the day after…
Next Monday for sure!!!
(Have until December for completion…)
Not there yet…
To be revised in 2 months...
Hey, ChatGPT, how do you describe a species of living beings that entirely destroy their ecosystem?
We describe a species that destroys its ecosystem as “ecologically destructive” or “environmentally detrimental.” Ecologists often use these terms when a species’ actions or presence causes significant harm or imbalance in its ecosystem.
Invasive Species: If the species is not native to the ecosystem and its introduction causes harm to the native species and environment. It’s termed an invasive species. These species can outcompete native species for resources, leading to ecological disruption.
We did leave Africa a few million years ago and occupied the whole world… and we spread like fire.
Overpopulated Species: A species becomes overpopulated when its population size exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat. This leads to overconsumption of resources and damage to the ecosystem.
Since we haven’t run out of food, I guess we are still OK, right?
Anthropogenic Impact: This term specifically refers to how human activities, such as pollution, deforestation, urbanization, or other environmental changes, significantly alter or destroy ecosystems.
100% every F**ing time!!!
Keystone Species Disruptors: This term applies to a species whose behaviors or actions disrupt the role of keystone species, which are crucial for maintaining an ecosystem’s structure and balance.
Like driving extinct the DODO, the Passenger Pigeon, the Tasmanian Tiger… but it’s OK… we didn’t know better back then.
Ecologically Unbalanced Species: A species that grows unchecked due to a lack of natural predators or other factors and alters the ecosystem balance, often to the detriment of other species.
Even though it takes us so long to reproduce and reach maturity…and we kill each other by the dozen.
In ecological terms, it’s important to understand that such impacts are often complex and involve interactions between multiple factors, including the species itself, the ecosystem, and external influences like climate change or human activity.